Magento 1 Get Final Price Including Tax on Product Page – How to


I want to get the Finalprice including tax on my productpage for a meta tag.

I currently have this, but that is the price excluding tax:

<?php echo number_format($_product->getpriceIncludingTax(), '2', '.', ',');?>

How can I display the price including tax for this meta?

Best Answer

Not a direct solution, but some potential pointers/ideas.

Look into the tax helper class. Mage::helper('tax'); There is a method there ->getPrice that may work for you. There are a lot of other interesting methods to look into.

Also have a peek at Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Type_Configurable::getJsonConfig in there you will see some tax related logic that may also be of use/give you some idea of what can be done.

Look towards teh middle of the method, where the code begins with $taxCalculation = Mage::getSingleton('tax/calculation');

Also some potential help here: Mage_XmlConnect_Block_Catalog_Product_Price_Default::collectProductPrices

see the code as follows in that routine:

$price = $taxHelper->getPrice($product, $product->getPrice());
$regularPrice = $taxHelper->getPrice($product, $product->getPrice(), $simplePricesTax);
$finalPrice = $taxHelper->getPrice($product, $product->getFinalPrice());
$finalPriceInclTax = $taxHelper->getPrice($product, $product->getFinalPrice(), true);