Magento Admin – Get Frontend Base URL When ‘Add Store Code to URLs’ is Yes


Based on this answer, you can fetch baseurl from backend with his code:


This won't work properly, if settings 'Add Store Code to Urls' is set to 'Yes' (details about that). In this case, it will add 'admin' into url.

I noticed that also


won't display proper url, it will add admin into url on fresh Magento installation.

Is that Magento bug? Is there any other proper way to get frontend base url from backend?

Best Answer

Try it like this:

$storeId = 1; //the store you need the base url:
$homeUrl = Mage::getUrl('', array('_store' => $storeId));

For a product url do this:

$url = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->setStoreId($storeId)->load(1)->getProductUrl();

$storeId is the same as above.