Magento – Get HTTP Referer and request parameters in a module block class


I'm trying add a simple template to CMS page using a block type from a local module. This template will rely on http_referer and request params.

In the Design > Layout Update XML part of the CMS page, I added

<reference name="content">
    <block type="gbicm/modal" name="gbicmmodal" template="gbicm/modal.phtml" />

To start, the template calls $this->method() which simply returns $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] for testing, but it is returning null in all cases. I've created a link to this page from another cms page, and when I click the link it returns null. I haven't tried using a controller class to get it, because I can't find any examples that do this from a block class.

Am I going about this incorrectly? Does $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] not function in a block class? Can I access a controller/router class/singleton to get request information?

Update: Mage::helper('core/http')->getHttpReferer() gives me empty string when I land on the cms page from a link in another page.

Best Answer

Try using Mage::helper('core/http')->getHttpReferer() Anyway, first try to return a string from your method since I think the issue you are experiencing is there and not in the $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] part.