Magento – Get List of Simple Products Not Belonging to a Configurable


What is the best way to get a list of simple products which don't belong to a configurable?

I have a shop with mostly simple products which belong to a parent/configurable product. But some of the products (eg. jewellery) don't have options so they've been set up as lone simple products.

Ps this is for my own usage only so any solution that provides the right results will do 🙂 thanks

Best Answer

Thomas,Magento did not provide this type on function,So without any coding or MySQL Query,you can not get the solution.

Mysql: Magento save the relation between configurable product and it child products at catalog_product_super_link and save it product basic data at catalog_product_entity Table.

enter image description here

Write select query with select type_id=simple simple product and check that product id exit at catalog_product_super_link table product_id. columns.

For getting Simple products that are not associated with a configurable

    SELECT * FROM `jsw_catalog_product_entity` where entity_id 
not in (SELECT product_id FROM `jsw_catalog_product_super_link`) and type_id='simple'