Magento – Get only the first level of child categories


I would like to list only the first level child categories of the current category.

This is what is have right now:

$_category = Mage::registry('current_category')->getId();    
$_categories = $_category
                ->addAttributeToSelect(array('name', 'image', 'description'))

foreach ($_categories as $_category):
   echo $_category->getName();

The shop is using flat categories, and i have no idea how to show only the first level of child categories.

Been searching a lot but every script i use still show all the sub-sub categories instead only the sub categories.


Just to be clear

When the current page is:

Category (current page)

-- sub A <-- show this sub category
--- sub A sub
---- sub A sub sub

-- sub B <-- show this sub category
--- sub B sub
---- sub B sub sub


-- sub A (current page) 
--- sub A sub <-- show this sub category
---- sub A sub sub

-- sub B
--- sub B sub
---- sub B sub sub

Best Answer

use below code to get first level category

  $categories = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')

    foreach($categories as $item)
        echo $item->getName();