Magento – Get plain value from custom variable in php with objectManager


I want to get a plain value from custom variable (defined on admin) in php with objectManager.

storeID is in $order->getStore()->getId()

Custom Variable Code is 'mycustomvar'

why does following code not work?

    $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
    $variables = $objectManager->create('Magento\Variable\Model\Variable');
    if ($var = $variables->getResource()->getVariableByCode('mycustomvar', true, $order->getStore()->getId())) {
        $value = 'defined';
//      $value = $variables->getData('plain_value');
    } else {
        $value = 'undefined';

It looks like $var contains the array with the values of mycustomvar, but I'm not sure.

How can I pass $var to getData('plain_value')? Or is there a better way to get 'plain_value'?

Classes I was looking into are



PS I understood objectManager is not the preferred way, but I need to get this working here

PPS Magento 2.1

Best Answer

Class Magento\Variable\Model\Variable offers everything - such as setStoreId(StoreId), which needs to be set case by case for my application. There is no need to dig into Magento\Variable\Model\ResourceModel\Variable.

The following code is working now. Replace myStoreID and mycustomvar with your needs. Remove code line with setStoreId(StoreId), if you need access to mycustomvar in the current store.

    $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
    $variables = $objectManager->create('Magento\Variable\Model\Variable');

    $value = $variables->loadByCode('mycustomvar')->getPlainValue();

Thanks to Vikas comments, it helped me find the solution.