SQL Query to Get Quote ID from Order ID or Order Number


I need to query the Magento MySQL database to get an image path/name for a file.

What I have:

  • Order ID
  • Order Number

What I need:

  • I need to get the image name/path from this table sales_flat_quote_item_option

From what I can see so far following the foreign keys that lead to this table. I seem none of them use the order ID or order number as they all descend from the sales_flat_quote table instead of the sales_flat_order table.

Does anyone know of a fancy query I could use to get a value from the sales_flat_quote_item_option table by using what I have, order ID and number?

If I can simply get the Quote ID from my Order ID/Number then I can doing a join SQL query using the Quote ID to get my record from the sales_flat_quote_item_option table.

I have to do this with SQL instead of Magento Models as it will be ran outside of Magento in a separate application.

Best Answer

There are only one relation between Magento quote item tables & sales order tables and that is sales_flat_order.quote_id=sales_flat_quote_item.quote_id.

In magento,sales_flat_quote_item_option does not have any direct relation with sales_flat_order.It have an indirection relation

sales_flat_order.quote_id=sales_flat_quote.quote_id=> sales_flat_quote_item.item_id=sales_flat_quote_item_option.item_id

Query seem like:

SELECT * FROM sales_flat_quote_item_option where item_id in (
        select item_id from  sales_flat_quote_item  where quote_id in (
            SELECT quote_id FROM sales_flat_order  where entity_id =ORDER_ID


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