Magento – How to Get Base URL in system.xml File


In the below <comment>
<a href='admin/shipper_method'> tag,
It's not redirecting to the correct page..

<allowedmethods translate="label">
   <label>Allowed Methods</label>
   <comment><![CDATA[<a href='admin/shipper_method'>Add Custom Method</a>. Example Comment.]]></comment>

What I need is like this,

<a href=''>Add Custom Method</a>


<a href=''>Add Custom Method</a>

In front-end…

For that, What can I put in the system.xml?

For example:
<comment><![CDATA[<a href='{{baseURL}}admin/shipper_method'>Add Custom Method</a>. Example Comment.]]></comment>


Best Answer

You can use a a model to generate the comment for a config field:
Something like this:


then you need to create the file: Ultimate/Shipper/Model/Adminhtml/Allowedmethods/Comment.php with this content:

class Ultimate_Shipper_Model_Adminhtml_Allowedmethods_Comment
    public function getCommentText()
        $text = Mage::helper('ultimate_shipper')->__('Add Custom Method');
        return '<a href="'.Mage::helper('adminhtml')->getUrl('adminhtml/shipper_method').'">'.$text.'</a>';
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