Magento EAV – Restore Deleted Attribute


we missly deleted the attribute : "age" from live site.

attribute code : "age" attribute label : Age group

we assigned this attribute to thousands of products.

is there any option to get that attribute back in database?

we have a yesterday database backup.

is i have to export the eav_attribute table from yesterday database and import to the current database?….

for this to do, is i have to delete the eav_attribute table from current database?

or is there any option to export and import only particular attribute instead of "eav_attribute" table

Best Answer

Delete all records from current eav_attribute table and Export eav_attribute table from old database is not good idea.

eav_attribute table is master table for all magento eav attribute like eav_attribute_group,eav_attribute_label,eav_attribute_option,eav_attribute_option_value,eav_attribute_set etc.

As,you have delete all records and import all records that will created issue in import as primary key automatically increase.

Better idea to create same attribute at current system and export product/customer's related this attribute value in database.

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