Getting 404 Error on Second Domain – Magento 2 Multi-Store Fix


So I have a LEMP stack set up on a staging server and on my local. I have it set up as a Multi-Store. The staging server and local are identical. Except that the local is running off of Laravel Valet and the Staging server is just a regular LEMP stack.

I have the Multi-Store setup, on my local it works perfectly. For the secondary domain it shows me exactly what I should expect to see. But on the Staging server I can verify it's loading the secondary site, but I get a 404 error.

The only difference that I can find is that on my local Laravel Valet is running off of /index.php and that is where I had to set the variables to load the secondary site. But on the Staging server I'm running a specific Magento config and it's loading based on /pub/index.php And this is the site that comes up with a 404 error on the secondary domain.

I can't figure this one out. The index.php files are similar but there are a few differences. All I can assume is that slight difference in document root is causing the issue. The ideal configuration I'm sure is that the document root be set to the /pub/ directory, but this is the method that I can't seem to get working. Any help is much appreciated.

UPDATE: I tried to set the staging server to just use / instead of /pub like my local is using. Unfortunately I still got a 404 on the secondary domain, and then on the primary all the assets were missing because of an incorrect path on those elements now.

UPDATE: I didn't have a home page created but it stilled showed on local. I created one anyway, still doesn't work. Oddly enough all other URL's work. Try to go to a category page, it works. Try to go to the login page, it works. The only thing that I think doesn't work is the home page that I've found so far.

Best Answer

Don't have enough for comments.

Check the .htaccess file and clear the cache and reindex everything.

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