Magento Upgrade – Fixing 404 Page Not Found Error

404404-pagemagento- foundupgrade

I have to upgrade Magento from to and in that case I cloned the live system to an sub-domain of the live Domain. I always fixed the multi conflict with issue and getting upgraded I thought, but I dont know if it realy worked. Because when I hit the refresh Button after upgraden via Magento connect Manager I got an blank page and when I try to went back to the backend I got an 404 Error and also at the frontend. Every Site is gone into the Magento 404 Page.

I spend hours of time to fix it and try the solves of this threads:

But nothing works for me.

Do anybody knows a fix that I dont try until yet?

Best Answer

Temporary Solution:

Goto 'core_cache_option' table and set all the values to 0

(You are disabling all the Cache Types) block_html, collections, config, config_api, config_api2, eav, layout, translate

and refresh the Home page. It will work.


Be sure that there is no php warning in your code (website).

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