Magento – Getting PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getMethodInstance() on boolean in app/code/core/Mage/Payment/Model/Observer.php on line 46


I'm trying to do the following:


But I keep getting the following error:

Call to a member function getMethodInstance() on boolean in /mnt/webdrive/ on line 46

The payment is returning as a boolean! Not a null, and when I go into the orders page in the CMS, I see that a payment method had been set in the payment information! Payment Information: My Wallet Payments

What's weird is, even when I try setting the payment again with


It's giving the exact same error!

What is causing this issue?

Best Answer

if the Payment has a deleted flag, it will not be returned by the getPayment method and if there are only payments with the deleted flag, the method will return false: