Get Store ID When Placing an Admin Order


I have a multisite setup with multiple custom shipping modules. Each store has different settings for free shipping etc.. (based on weight/value)

Everything works great from the front end, however on the backend the modules take the default values and do not recognize that a store has been selected.

I can detect if it is an admin order, but no idea how to detect what store has been selected and how to get the variables for that store

I am using the following

$current_cart_total_inc >=Mage::getStoreConfig('general/custom_values/free_ship_threshold');

How can I detect the store and then get the correct value based on the store ID rather than use the admin one?

Best Answer

You can get store value with below code: to get store id in adminend


for frontend

$store_id = Mage::app()->getStore()->getStoreId();
$current_cart_total_inc = Mage::getStoreConfig('general/custom_values/free_ship_threshold', $store_id);
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