Magento – Getting Wrong Maximum Price For Configurable Products


I am trying to get final price for price slider but it is showing me wrong price.
See below images, Price should be 4000/- for right slider but it is showing me 2000.

Input Price–
enter image description here

Output Price–
enter image description here

Any Help Appreciated.

Code Where I get Maximum Price-

public function getCurrMaxPrice(){
    if($this->_currMaxPrice > 0)
        $max = $this->_currMaxPrice;
    } else
     $max = $this->_maxPrice;

    return $max;

Best Answer

simple add this function in your price model

public function getPrices()
          $collection = $this->getLayer()->getProductCollection();

         $data[]=array('from' =>$collection->getMinPrice(),
            'to' =>$collection->getMaxPrice());
         return $data;

in your price block

get them like that

public function getPrices()
     return Mage::getModel($this->_filterModelName)->getPrices();

this will give maximum and minimum price for recent collection

this is model core class


core block price


Don't change in core files if you want to change them copy in app/code/local

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