Magento – Google Webmaster Verification


I maintain a large number of Magento installations. I tend to find Google verification scripts littered across many production servers and many times the file is created directly on the box, failing to make it into source control, e.g.:


I'm aware of the other ways of verification including meta tags, DNS records. I would be open to any suggestions that detail how you work with site verifications in your production environments.

I'm also curious if anyone has written up a blog or found some explanation of best-practices with regard to maintaining multiple verifications over time which, though I use Google in my example, obviously apply to more than just Google.

Best Answer

After much thought and research I've settled on the meta tag in System > Config > Design > Miscellaneous Head Scripts method for the following reasons:

  • It allows me to set a new verification for multiple websites, even by store view (handy for subdomained translations, e.g.
  • Prevents files from being created on a production site, omitted from source control, only to lose the on a switch/tag/update/backup/restore later on.
  • It's editible via the CMS, instantly available on all web servers even in a load-balanced situation

The final result:

enter image description here

And how it outputs in source:

enter image description here