Magento 1.9 – Grand Total Not Updated When Discount Code is Applied


There are 2 types of Discounts (Shopping Cart Rules) Working on the Website right now:

  1. Coupon Codes – Working Absolutely Fine BUT – Subtotal does not get Updated. Ex: 10% Off on Rs. 500 and Above – When I apply the Coupon Code, it shows perfectly before Subtotal but the Grand Total still remains the same(without discount)

  2. Without Coupon Code Discount – Working Only On Checkout Page after I select a Payment Method. – Eg: ABC Product has a Coupon Attached to it giving Free Shipping on it BUT this is not Reflecting in My Basket Subtotal and is Only Visible in Checkout Page's Subtotal upon selecting a Payment Method – NOTE: The Subtotal where Shipping Charges are currently visible used to Show a Value of ZERO when ABC Product was added.

    1. IMP NOTE. This Issue of Grandtotal related to Config because this was Non-Existent and suddenly popped up after Migration to a nginx Server. – The Server Admin has thoroughly verified and is sure of no errors on Server Side.

    2. I have cross checked all Settings and Discount Rules in Backend – No Defaults found

  3. No Tax Calculation is used on the Website

Thank You for Reading the above and I hope you, the reader would be able to contribute towards resolving this.

Best Answer

Please follow the below steps might be useful.

Path:- app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Config/Ordered.php

Comment this code

     * Aggregate before/after information from all items and sort totals based on this data
     * @return array

   protected function _getSortedCollectorCodes()
        if (Mage::app()->useCache('config')) {
            $cachedData = Mage::app()->loadCache($this->_collectorsCacheKey);
            if ($cachedData) {
                return unserialize($cachedData);
        $configArray = $this->_modelsConfig;
        // invoke simple sorting if the first element contains the "sort_order" key
        $element = current($configArray);
        if (isset($element['sort_order'])) {
            uasort($configArray, array($this, '_compareSortOrder'));
        } else {
            foreach ($configArray as $code => $data) {
                foreach ($data['before'] as $beforeCode) {
                    if (!isset($configArray[$beforeCode])) {
                    $configArray[$code]['before'] = array_unique(array_merge(
                        $configArray[$code]['before'], $configArray[$beforeCode]['before']
                    $configArray[$beforeCode]['after'] = array_merge(
                        $configArray[$beforeCode]['after'], array($code), $data['after']
                    $configArray[$beforeCode]['after'] = array_unique($configArray[$beforeCode]['after']);
                foreach ($data['after'] as $afterCode) {
                    if (!isset($configArray[$afterCode])) {
                    $configArray[$code]['after'] = array_unique(array_merge(
                        $configArray[$code]['after'], $configArray[$afterCode]['after']
                    $configArray[$afterCode]['before'] = array_merge(
                        $configArray[$afterCode]['before'], array($code), $data['before']
                    $configArray[$afterCode]['before'] = array_unique($configArray[$afterCode]['before']);
            uasort($configArray, array($this, '_compareTotals'));
        $sortedCollectors = array_keys($configArray);
        if (Mage::app()->useCache('config')) {
            Mage::app()->saveCache(serialize($sortedCollectors), $this->_collectorsCacheKey, array(
        return $sortedCollectors;

Replace the above code with:

 Note: While applying coupon code, Totals are not updating due to uasort not working in php7 then
 modified the _getSortedCollectorCodes() function as shown below. 

protected function _getSortedCollectorCodes()
    if (Mage::app()->useCache('config')) {
        $cachedData = Mage::app()->loadCache($this->_collectorsCacheKey);
        if ($cachedData) {
            return unserialize($cachedData);
    $configArray = $this->_modelsConfig;
    // invoke simple sorting if the first element contains the "sort_order" key
    $element = current($configArray);
    if (isset($element['sort_order'])) {
        uasort($configArray, array($this, '_compareSortOrder'));
    } else {
        foreach ($configArray as $code => $data) {
            foreach ($data['before'] as $beforeCode) {
                if (!isset($configArray[$beforeCode])) {
                $configArray[$code]['before'] = array_unique(array_merge(
                    $configArray[$code]['before'], $configArray[$beforeCode]['before']
                $configArray[$beforeCode]['after'] = array_merge(
                    $configArray[$beforeCode]['after'], array($code), $data['after']
                $configArray[$beforeCode]['after'] = array_unique($configArray[$beforeCode]['after']);
            foreach ($data['after'] as $afterCode) {
                if (!isset($configArray[$afterCode])) {
                $configArray[$code]['after'] = array_unique(array_merge(
                    $configArray[$code]['after'], $configArray[$afterCode]['after']
                $configArray[$afterCode]['before'] = array_merge(
                    $configArray[$afterCode]['before'], array($code), $data['before']
                $configArray[$afterCode]['before'] = array_unique($configArray[$afterCode]['before']);
        foreach ($configArray as $code => $data) {
           $largest_small = $smallest_large = 0;
           foreach ($data['after'] as $afterCode) {
              if(isset($configArray[$afterCode]['sort_order']) && $largest_small < $configArray[$afterCode]['sort_order'])
                 $largest_small = $configArray[$afterCode]['sort_order'];
           foreach ($data['before'] as $beforeCode) {
              if(isset($configArray[$beforeCode]['sort_order']) && ($smallest_large == 0 || $configArray[$beforeCode]['sort_order'] < $smallest_large)) 
                 $smallest_large = $configArray[$beforeCode]['sort_order'];
           if($smallest_large <= $largest_small+1){
              $add = $largest_small+1-$largest_small;
              if($smallest_large == 0) $smallest_large = $largest_small+1;
              foreach ($configArray as $code1 => $data1) {
                 if(!isset($data1['sort_order'])) break;
                 if($smallest_large <= $data1['sort_order'])
                    $configArray[$code1]['sort_order'] += $add;
           $configArray[$code]['sort_order'] = $largest_small+1;
        uasort($configArray, array($this, '_compareSortOrder'));
    $sortedCollectors = array_keys($configArray);
    if (Mage::app()->useCache('config')) {
        Mage::app()->saveCache(serialize($sortedCollectors), $this->_collectorsCacheKey, array(
    return $sortedCollectors;

Please check now. i hope it will useful for you. thanks

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