Magento – Grand total update on billing information save in onepage checkout —Magento


I have created a custom module to update grand total but I need to update grand total only after filling address information on one page checkout because I have to check particular postal/zip code that user added and based on that have to update grand total.Here is my config file code


Observer.php code

$quote = $observer->getEvent()->getQuote();
    $grandTotal = $quote->getGrandTotal();
    $baseGrandTotal = $quote->getBaseGrandTotal();
    $partialPrice = $grandTotal + 10;
    $basePartialPrice = $baseGrandTotal + 10;

I have tried several other events but when I reach to review order step,no change to grand total.

Can anybody please point me out where I did wrong ?

Best Answer

Any event of save of checkout_onepage_savePayment does not exit in magento.

There is an events is fire on every controller dispatch.If i guess that billing has been save it checkout/onepage/saveBilling then it dispatch event for this route is


you get data from using :

$this->getRequest()->getPost('billing', array());

checkout object from

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