Magento 1.7 – Fixing Grid Action with Ajax Not Working


I added a tab to customer edit in admin magento, it's a grid. I used


but when i filter, it's just loading and not show results. I have getGridUrl() in Custom.php:

public function getGridUrl()
        return $this->getUrl('*/*/grid', array('_current'=> true));

And i have controller with grid action:

public function gridAction()

but still not filter

Best Answer

Yeah, i found solution following by marius's hint. My controller



class Myextension_Mymodule_Adminhtml_TestController{

    public function gridAction()

My config.xml:

          <myextension_mymodule before="Mage_Adminhtml">Myextension_Mymodule_Adminhtml</myextension_mymodule>


public function getGridUrl()
        return $this->getUrl('*/*/grid', array('_current'=> true));


public function getGridUrl()
            return $this->getUrl('*/test/grid', array('_current'=> true));
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