Magento1.9 Grid Pagination – Fix Group Clause Issue


I m working on product grid but its pagination or product count not working(as it display wrong count). as my block _preparecollection function is as below.i have added category filter code in collection so i have to use group clause to prevent error for same id already exist.

    protected function _prepareCollection()
        $store = $this->_getStore();
        $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()
$collection->addAttributeToFilter('category_id', array('in' => array(4,10)))

        if (Mage::helper('catalog')->isModuleEnabled('Mage_CatalogInventory')) {
        if ($store->getId()) {
            $adminStore = Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID;

        else {
            $collection->joinAttribute('status', 'catalog_product/status', 'entity_id', null, 'inner');
            $collection->joinAttribute('visibility', 'catalog_product/visibility', 'entity_id', null, 'inner');


        return $this;

I had google and got answer and add it to lib/varian/data/collection/db.php

    public function getSelectCountSql()

        $countSelect = clone $this->getSelect();

        if(count($this->getSelect()->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::GROUP)) > 0) {
            $group = $this->getSelect()->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::GROUP);
            $countSelect->columns("COUNT(DISTINCT ".implode(", ", $group).")");
        } else {
        return $countSelect;

enter image description here
But no luck please help to resolve this

Best Answer

Collections and Lazy Loading in Magento

The reason pagination does not work is because of how collections are counted and how lazy loading works with collections.

Collections in Magento implement the class Countable. Due to lazy loading of collections in Magento, whenever the method count() is called, the data has to be loaded. As a workaround of this, collections implement a method called getSize(). It will clone your SQL statement, wrap it in a COUNT() and return the result. This allowed a collection to get a total count without loading all the data. This allows for things such as filters to be added at the last minute.

This is what Varien_Data_Collection_Db::getSize() and it's partner getSelectCountSql() looks like:

     * Get collection size
     * @return int
    public function getSize()
        if (is_null($this->_totalRecords)) {
            $sql = $this->getSelectCountSql();
            $this->_totalRecords = $this->getConnection()->fetchOne($sql, $this->_bindParams);
        return intval($this->_totalRecords);

     * Get SQL for get record count
     * @return Varien_Db_Select
    public function getSelectCountSql()

        $countSelect = clone $this->getSelect();


        return $countSelect;

Basically, it drops limits, columns, ordering, etc and leaves the filters behind. Then it adds a MySQL COUNT() to the columns.

The Problem

Normally, on one table, this would return one row with the total count. This is why getSize() does a fetchOne() against the query. However, when doing things such as table joins, group bys, and the like, you will not return one row, you will return multiple. It is because of this that you need to alter the getSize() method in your collection.

The Solution

This is what your method should look like now:

public function getSize() {

        if ( is_null( $this->_totalRecords ) ) {
            $sql = $this->getSelectCountSql();
            // fetch all rows since it's a joined table and run a count against it.
            $this->_totalRecords = count( $this->getConnection()->fetchall( $sql, $this->_bindParams ) );

        return intval( $this->_totalRecords );

Instead of a fetchOne(), we ran a fetchAll() wrapped in a count() PHP function. Now your totals will return appropriately.

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