Magento – Hide out of stock products


I want to hide out of stock products from showing in search or category pages and I do not want to use the built in feature:

Admin >> System >> Configuration >> Catalog >> Inventory >> Stock Options
Display Out of Stock product -> No

The reason is that I use and sort out of stock products and if I disable them completely I can't filter by Stock status.

How do I put a filter on the category and search collection?

Best Answer

I have done it and I know it will help a lot of people so this is what I did to achieve this:

Firstly you need to modify the collection which is loaded in:


You're best making a local copy and editing that:


Find this line:

$this->_productCollection = $layer->getProductCollection();

Directly under it place this code:

$in_Collection = Mage::getModel('cataloginventory/stock_item')

$in_Products = array();
foreach($in_Collection as $_collection) {
        $in_Products[] = $_collection->getProductId();

                         ->addAttributeToFilter('entity_id', array('in'=>$in_Products));

I hope this helps :)

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