Hole-Punching Extendware Primary Cache in Magento


I'm working with a copy of Magento 1.4EE which has Extendware FPC installed. I'm trying to get breadcrumbs working properly for products that are within more than one category. This is my first time working with Extendware, and I've worked out how the hole punching works for my breadcrumbs block, but it seems that hole punching only applies to the secondary cache, yet the site only uses the primary cache when a user is not logged in.

My question is how can I hole-punch or make sure that my breadcrumbs are always dynamic, even when the user is not logged in?

Help appreciated!

Best Answer

While this is specific for an extension (that comes with good documentation and very prompt support I might add), I'll get you in the right direction.

There's a footer widget you can enable that adds some information about the decisions the cache makes. Consult that and the documentation to see why it thinks it can use the primary cache. The decision is among other things based on variables and cookies as well as layout handles marked dynamic.

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