Magento – Home Page OwlCarousel How To Control What Products To Display


I have two OwlCarousel on the Home Page, but don't see any thing on the backend that allow me to control what products I would like to display on these two.

The way this OwlCarousel is setup to display is CMS -> Page -> Home -> Content

{{block type="ultimo/product_list_featured" template="catalog/product/list_featured_slider.phtml" category_id="101" product_count="12" hide_button="1" block_name="Featured Products"}}
{{block type="ultimo/product_list_featured" template="catalog/product/list_featured_slider.phtml" category_id="100" product_count="12" hide_button="1" block_name="New Products"}}

Home Page OwlCaruousel - How Do I control what Product to show and not show

Best Answer

Regarding point 5. ONLY PROBLEM...

If you go

Catalog -> Manage Categories

Then find your featured Category

You should see tabs like this... Category Products Then you will see the featured products.

On the right there is a position column like this... Position column example

Hopefully you can now rearrange the position of the products in your product Carousel.