Magento 1.9 Catalog Search – How Quick Search Works


In my store, I have a product attribute UPC.
Suppose a configurable product A(sku – parentA, upc attribute blank) is having two child products A1(sku – childA1, upc – 101) and A2(sku – childA2, upc – 102).
Parent products visibility is Catalog, Search and childs are not visible individually.

Now when I am search upc 101 or 102 in frontend, Magento search is showing me correct result with the configurable product A.

My first question is how magento is picking here the correct parent product?
Second question is how I can achieve same functionality for the sku attribute, because on searching with sku childA1 or childA2, I am not getting the parent product.

Best Answer

Search result coming from this file app/code/core/Mage/CatalogSearch/Block/Autocomplete.php

Admin setting:- Admin > System >Configuration > Catalog > Catalog Search > Search Type

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