Magento 2 – How Does Magento Include the Admin Icons SVG File


In Magento 2, the icons for the backend Menu are Unicode code points that are part of the Private User Area code point range, and appear to be defined via the file


How does admin-icons.svg get included into a Magento Admin Page's "font space" (for lack of a better word).

Best Answer

So if I got it right:

  • The path of this file is defined in a less variable in app/design/adminhtml/Magento/backend/web/css/source/variables/_icons.less:

    @icons-admin__font-name-path: '@{baseDir}fonts/@{icons-admin__file-name}/@{icons-admin__file-name}';
  • This variable is then used in app/design/adminhtml/Magento/backend/web/css/source/_icons.less (see the difference with the first file I mentionned ? it's one folder above) to be declared as a path to a custom font :

        @family-name: @icons-admin__font-name,
        @font-path: @icons-admin__font-name-path,
        @font-weight: normal,
        @font-style: normal

Even though the final rendered CSS looks like this:

src: url('../fonts/admin-icons/admin-icons.eot');

I don't think Magento converts the SVG file to an EOT file.

To me, Magento is shipped with 5 different versions of the same file:

  • admin-icons.eot
  • admin-icons.svg
  • admin-icons.ttf
  • admin-icons.woff
  • admin-icons.woff2

All those 5 files are then referenced in the lib/web/css/source/lib/_typography.less file:

    @font-weight: normal,
    @font-style: normal
) {
    @font-face {
        font-family: @family-name;
        src: url('@{font-path}.eot');
        src: url('@{font-path}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('@{font-path}.woff2') format('woff2'),
        url('@{font-path}.woff') format('woff'),
        url('@{font-path}.ttf') format('truetype'),
        url('@{font-path}.svg#@{family-name}') format('svg');
        font-weight: @font-weight;
        font-style: @font-style;

I reckon it has to do with browser compatibilities. Again I may be wrong here.