UPS Tracking – How It Works in Magento 1.8


I want to know how does the Tracking work for UPS Shipping? Searched a lot but they will always redirect me to paid extensions.

UPDATE : As ForMat described, will magento automatically receive UPS Tracking Number after "Create Packages" operation? PF screenshot below.

enter image description here

Best Answer

EDIT: After downloading the latest Magento CE 1.9.1 User Guide I found that managing UPS shipments and printing lables (with tracking) may be possible after all. But it may depend on which country you're from.

Magento connects to the shipping carrier, creates the order in its system, and receives a shipping label and tracking number for each package. If a shipping label is successfully created, the new shipment is saved and the shipping label is available for printing. A tracking number appears in the Shipping and Tracking Information section.

You can download the latest User Guide from this page and find out all about shipping starting at page 575.

Off topic: I must say that Magento is doing a pretty good job on improving the User Guide!

I'm not sure what you mean by "the Tracking" but as far as I know the UPS Shipping Module that comes standard with Magento CE is only for generating shipping rate quotes. It calculates and presents the applicable shipping rate to the customer during checkout, based on locations and settings in System > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Methods > UPS.

To my knowledge it does not manage actual shipments, nor does it generate any lables for printing or barcodes for tracking. You would need a (paid) extension for that.

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