Magento CMS Page – How to Insert Image in Different Ways


i tried to insert image with two different ways like through CMS pages in that select page and in content use below code:

<p><img src="{{skin url='images/media/404_callout1.jpg'}}" alt="" /></p>

and another way is by click on the "insert image" button.

Is there any other way for for insert image in CMS page?

Best Answer

Using the "Insert Image" button will add the images which are relative to the media wysiwyg directory

img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/filename.jpg"}}" alt="" />

You could also have images stored as the content of a static block and then call them into the cms page contact using either using

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="staticblock_identifier"}}

Or use the widget interface and select Widget Type "CMS Static Block" which will add blocks by id like

{{widget type="cms/widget_block" template="cms/widget/static_block/default.phtml" block_id="10"}}

If you'd like the image to appear just above or below the main content look at adding it through layout XML and adding a static block either for that page using the CMS page design tab or for every CMS page using the "cms_page" layout handle.

If your image is stored as a static block and you'd like it before the main content add the following XML to your page or cms handle.

<reference name="content">
    <block type="cms/block" before="-">
        <action method="setBlockId"><block_id>staticblock_identifier</block_id></action>

If you'd like the block to come after the content enter

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