Magento 1 Event Observer – How to Prevent Model Data Save Using _save_before Event


I have create a model which has its own database table. For a customization I need to trigger save_before event of this model.

If one field value is not matched, then the data should not be saved.

My main target is preventing data save using "before save" event

My config.xml code:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>



class Amit_Custommodule_Model_Observer
public function customerSaveAfter($observer){

/*  i want prevent data base if my business logic is not match here */


Best Answer

If you have a look at the method Mage_Core_Model_Abstract::save, you see this code block:

try {
    if ($this->_dataSaveAllowed) {
    $this->_getResource()->addCommitCallback(array($this, 'afterCommitCallback'))
    $this->_hasDataChanges = false;
    $dataCommited = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $this->_hasDataChanges = true;
    throw $e;

In the _beforeSave() method in the second line, the save_before event is dispatched. Hence, you should be able to just throw an exception in your observer code. This should be catched by the try-catch-block above and should prevent the model to save.

Another possibility is the _dataSaveAllowed field. You can set it to false in your observer code. This will prevent the model to save. And this field is exactly designed for this purpose as the PHP doc reveals:

 * Flag which can stop data saving after before save
 * Can be used for next sequence: we check data in _beforeSave, if data are
 * not valid - we can set this flag to false value and save process will be stopped
 * @var bool
protected $_dataSaveAllowed = true;
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