Magento – How to access subcategory without having url-key of the parent category in the url


How to access subcategory without having url-key of the parent category in the url?
for example

aboutus---parent category
  about vc---sub category
  about gurkha---sub category

Now I have to redirect sub category to page named about-vc and about-gurkha without going through parent should open like this

not like 

Thank You

Best Answer

It looks like you could also solve this using CMS pages. You can always include products in a CMS page too using static blocks or widgets. Have you tried creating 2 CMS pages with the following URL keys?

  1. about-vc
  2. about-gurkha

If that doesn't help, you can create redirects using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Catalog > Catalog URL Rewrites in admin area
  2. Click "Add URL Rewrite"
  3. Choose "Custom" from the dropdown
  4. Fill out the form with the following details:

Store: The store view this URL rewrite will apply to. You must create one redirect for each store view
ID path: aboutus
Request path: about-vc.html
Target path: catalog/category/view/id/
Redirect: No

This will tell Magento to load a category page when the user requests "about-vc.html". You can change this value to whatever you want.

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