JavaScript – How to Access the Magento API from Native Client


I need to access the Magento API from a local JavaScript based application (Titanium Desktop) and wondering what's the best way to do so.

What I found out so far:


  • Is it feasible to exchange the authentication mechanism to something like HMAC based authentication with application key and secret? Are there even proven solutions?
  • If not, is the OAuth User Agent Flow possible with Magento? The documentation does not mention it.
  • Is it possible to submit the user credentials with AJAX (Cross-Origin-Policy is not an issue here) to hide most of the authorization process from the user? The access token could then possibly be extracted directly from the response.

Best Answer

Edit: Found a better way, see Solution 2 below

As mentioned in the comment, the SOAP API is the way to go.

Solution 1:

Suds worked for me with slight modification (Usage of Titanium.Network.HTTPClient instead of XMLHttpRequest), but it does not much more than creating a SOAP envelope for the call and returning the whole XML response.

Proof-of-Concept implementation, using jQuery Deferred for request chaining:

Service.MagentoClient = function()
    var self = this;
    var suds = new SudsClient({
        endpoint : "http://the-magento-host/api/v2_soap/",
        targetNamespace : "urn:Magento",

    self.login = function() {
        var deferred = new $.Deferred();
        var args = {
            username : 'the-username',
            apiKey: 'the-api-key'
        suds.invoke("login", args, function(xmlDoc) {
            self.sessionId = $(xmlDoc).find("loginReturn").text();
            //TODO reject if no sessionid returned
        return deferred;

    self.setStatus = function(orderId, status, comment, notify) {
        var deferred = new $.Deferred();
        if (!self.sessionId) {
            deferred.reject({ error: 'Login not successful.' });
        var args = {
            sessionId        : self.sessionId,
            orderIncrementId : orderId,
            status           : status,
            comment          : comment,
            notify           : notify
        suds.invoke("salesOrderAddComment", args, function(xmlDoc) {
            var success = $(xmlDoc).find("salesOrderAddCommentResponse").text();
            if (success) {
            } else {
                deferred.reject({ error: 'Update not successful.' });

        return deferred;

Usage example:

        var magento = new Service.MagentoClient();
        magento.login().then(function() {
            magento.setStatus('100000029', 'complete', 'soap test');
        }).then(function() {
            alert('Update successful');
        }, function(reject) {
            alert('Update failed: ' + reject.error);

Solution 2:

Turned out that writing an own API adapter can be really easy. With the example of this core-hack (dead link) I was able to write a clean module for a JSON-RPC adapter based on Zend_Json_Server. It uses the same Authentication and ACL as the SOAP and XML-RPC APIs.

To use the entry point /api/jsonrpc, the new controller has to be added to the api route:

                        <my_jsonrpc before="Mage_Api">My_JsonRpc_Api</my_jsonrpc>

Update 02/2015: The above link is dead now, so I open sourced my JSON-RPC adapter as a complete extension:

My JS client now looks like this (again with JQuery.Deferred, but no additional 3rd party libraries for the API):

 * Client for the Magento API
Service.MagentoClient = function()
    var self = this;

     * @param string   method    the remote procedure to call
     * @param object   params    parameters for the RPC
     * @param callback onSuccess callback for successful request. Expects one parameter (decoded response object)
     * @param callback onError   callback for failed request. Expects one parameter (error message)
     * @return void
    self.jsonRpc = function(method, params, onSuccess, onError) {
        var request = {
            method : method,
            params : params,
            jsonrpc : "2.0",
            id : 1

        var options = {
            entryPoint : config.magentoClient.entryPoint,
            method: 'post',
            timeout: config.magentoClient.timeout

        var httpClient = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();
        httpClient.onload = function(e) {
            try {
                var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
            } catch (jsonError) {
                return onError(jsonError);
            if (response.error) {
                if (response.error.code == 5) { // session expired
                    self.sessionId = null;
                return onError(response.error.message);
        httpClient.onerror = function(e) {
            onError(e.error + '; Response:' + this.responseText);

        if (, options.entryPoint)) {
            httpClient.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
        } else {
            onError('cannot open connection');

     * Retrieve session id for API
     * @return JQuery.Deferred deferred object for asynchronous chaining
    self.login = function() {
        var deferred = new $.Deferred();
        if (self.sessionId) {
            return deferred;
        var loginParams = config.magentoClient.login;
        try {
            self.jsonRpc('login', loginParams, function(response) {
                if (response && response.result) {
                    self.sessionId = response.result;
                } else {
                    deferred.reject('Login failed.');
            }, function(error) {
        } catch (rpcError) {
        return deferred;
     * Updates order states in Magento
     * @param string method   name of the remote method
     * @param object args     arguments for the remote method
     * @return JQuery.Deferred deferred object for asynchronous chaining
     */ = function(method, args) {
        var deferred = new $.Deferred();
        if (!self.sessionId) {
            deferred.reject('No session.');
        var callParams = {
            sessionId : self.sessionId,
            apiPath   : method,
            args      : args
        try {
            self.jsonRpc('call', callParams, function(response) {
            }, function(error) {
        } catch (rpcError) {

        return deferred;

Note that all methods after login are routed through call. The method parameter is something like sales_order.list, the args parameter an array or object with the method arguments.

Usage example:

        var filters = [];
        var magento = new Service.MagentoClient();
        magento.login().then(function() {
  'sales_order.list', [filters]).then(
                function(orders) {
                    // do something with the response
                }, function(error) {
                    alert('Magento API error: ' + error);