Add Discount for Specific Products in Magento 1.9


I can code in PHP and Laravel alright, so the snippet should not be difficult but I am new to Magento.
I have been tasked with the request of coding a snippet that would give a 20% discount on black Friday for some items identified by the code. The thing is that I have no idea where to look at to start studying the code. On reading papers here and there, it seems that there is not even a need to code as Magento offers that ability, but how can I say, apply the discount to products whose code is between 100 and 200?

I am reading this tutorial (Shopping cart price rule)

which is very close to what I want, but here it offers discount if you spend at least 99 dollars. What I want is to offer discount for the products whose ID number is between 100 and 200

Best Answer

You can do this from admin :

Login to Admin

Go to Promotions -> Shopping Cart Price Rules

Click Add New Rule

Fill Rule Information

On left sidebar, click Conditions tab

Click + button icon

Select Product attribute combination

Click + button icon

Select SKU

Now, you will see SKU is ...

Put your product SKU

Note : SKU option may not show up by default. (Go to: catalog -> attributes -> manage attributes. Then search for the SKU attribute and set the drop down ‘Use for Promo Rule Conditions’ to YES and reindex if needed.)

After above steps set action :

You can set how much discount you want to give from here

Save Rule

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