Magento – How to Add a Total Row in a Grid


I'm creating a new module that uses a order grid for particular product(this is not the report grid) in magento admin i successfully create new order grid for that but i want to get total price for product at the end , like in sales>report.

Please see image


Any help will be appreciated,,Thanks

Best Answer

1.Sipmle way, add these fields to your gird class, see mine:

class SSD_Uzkart_Block_Adminhtml_Uzkart_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid
    protected $_countTotals = true;

    public function getTotals()
        $totals = new Varien_Object();
        $fields = array(
            'uzkart_trans_amount' => 0, //actual column index, see _prepareColumns()
            'some_summarable_field' => 0,
            'another_countable_field' => 0,
        foreach ($this->getCollection() as $item) {
            foreach($fields as $field=>$value){
        //First column in the grid
        return $totals;

    protected function _prepareColumns()
         * another columns

        $this->addColumn('uzkart_trans_amount', array(
            'header' => Mage::helper('uzkart')->__('Payment Amount'),
            'index' => 'uzkart_trans_amount',
            'type' => 'currency',

         * another columns

     * another methods


My Result enter image description here

2.Using Magento Reports: (But this one is so complicated)
You should create report grid. See Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Report_Customer_Orders_Grid report grid and try to impelement own. Here is great tuts about custom reports:

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