Magento – How to add image/icon to payment methods in checkout magento 2


I'm pretty new to the real technological part until this far I've survived Magento 2 as a newby dummy

But I want to get the details straight and there seems to be knowledge of real understanding comes to the surface

But what I also find out is that there almost nothing clearly to find for this answer like nobody wants it.

How to add image/icon to payment methods in checkout Magento 2 ?

I hope someone can make me smarter on my way to get a greater web shop.

Where, How to Do?

Forever Grateful for who can bring me on the right path here!

payment method images

@khoatruongdinh It is a free payment extension you're right

But also want it for the magento bank transfer an image

This is sisow.js (Sisow is the extension name):

> /**  * Copyright © 2015 Magento. All rights reserved.  * See
> COPYING.txt for license details.  */ /*browser:true*/ /*global
> define*/ define(
>     [
>         'uiComponent',
>         'Magento_Checkout/js/model/payment/renderer-list'
>     ],
>     function (
>         Component,
>         rendererList
>     ) {
>         'use strict';
>         rendererList.push(
>             {
>                 type: 'sisow_mistercash',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-mistercash'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_maestro',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-maestro'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_mastercard',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-mastercard'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_overboeking',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-overboeking'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_paypalec',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-paypalec'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_sofort',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-sofort'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_visa',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-visa'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_vvv',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-vvv'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_webshop',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-webshop'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_ideal',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-ideal'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_giropay',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-giropay'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_eps',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-eps'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_focum',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-focum'
>             },            {
>                 type: 'sisow_homepay',
>                 component: 'Sisow_Payment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/sisow-homepay'
>             }                 
>         );
>         /** Add view logic here if needed */
>         return Component.extend({});
>     } );

This is for example sisow-maestro.js:

 * Copyright © 2015 Magento. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.
/*global define*/
    function (Component,
                url) {
        return Component.extend({
            defaults: {
                template: 'Sisow_Payment/payment/default'

            selectPaymentMethod: function() {
                return true;

            afterPlaceOrder: function () {


You can work with that or you need more ?

I'm really very thankful that you take the moment to listen for this, can only appreciate that very very much already, thanks again even I still have to succeed it 😛

Best Answer

We can set the image in html template, like Paypal

We add the image in html template


<!-- PayPal Logo -->
            <img data-bind="attr: {src: getPaymentAcceptanceMarkSrc(), alt: $t('Acceptance Mark')}"

Try to get the image path from the global checkout config js variable


/** Returns payment acceptance mark image path */
            getPaymentAcceptanceMarkSrc: function () {
                return window.checkoutConfig.payment.paypalExpress.paymentAcceptanceMarkSrc;

We need to set this config in config provider:


$config = [
            'payment' => [
                'paypalExpress' => [
                    'paymentAcceptanceMarkHref' => $this->config->getPaymentMarkWhatIsPaypalUrl(
                    'paymentAcceptanceMarkSrc' => $this->config->getPaymentMarkImageUrl(
                    'isContextCheckout' => false,
                    'inContextConfig' => []
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