Magento – How To add JS file in frontend for all pages


I've read 3 pages of Google Results on how to load a JS file for all pages and still am not able to do it.

I've got a few doubts, hope somebody can clear them out.

  1. Do I need to create a module inside app/code with the requirejs-config.js ? Or I can put a requirejs-config.js inside my theme instead?

  2. What should I put inside requirejs-config.js ?

  3. What should the code look like inside my .js file? I saw that you can't use jQuery's document.ready and you must have a define([

  4. What should I put inside define([ ?

  5. If I've got third party jQuery modules, do I have to edit them to make them work?

  6. Do I need to put xml somewhere to tell magento that my.js file exists?

  7. If I create a module inside app/code with all the js code there, would it include all the stuff in all pages? How can I achieve that?

Best Answer

To load a custom main.js file on all pages (in the RequireJS-way) this is a good way:

1) Create main.js

Create main.js within the theme folder


with this content:

function($) {
  "use strict";

  // Here your custom code...


In short: we declare dependencies at the start, e.g. "jquery". We define as function's parameter the variable name for using the dependency within the function, e.g. "jquery" --> $. We put all our custom code within function($) { ... }.

2) Declare main.js with a requirejs-config.js file

Create a requirejs-config.js file within the theme folder:


with this content:

var config = {

  // When load 'requirejs' always load the following files also
  deps: [


"js/main" is the path to our custom main.js. The ".js" extension is not required.

Our requirejs-config.js will be merged with other requirejs-config.js defined in Magento.

RequireJS will load our main.js file, on each page, resolving dependencies and loading files in an async way.

Optional: Including third-party library

This is the way to include third-party libraries.

1) Add the library in web/js:


2) Open requirejs-config.js and add this content:

var config = {

  deps: [

  // Paths defines associations from library name (used to include the library,
  // for example when using "define") and the library file path.
  paths: {
    'slick': 'js/vendor/jquery/slick.min',

  // Shim: when you're loading your dependencies, requirejs loads them all
  // concurrently. You need to set up a shim to tell requirejs that the library
  // (e.g. a jQuery plugin) depends on another already being loaded (e.g. depends
  // on jQuery).
  // Exports: if the library is not AMD aware, you need to tell requirejs what 
  // to look for so it knows the script has loaded correctly. You can do this with an 
  // "exports" entry in your shim. The value must be a variable defined within
  // the library.
  shim: {
    'slick': {
      deps: ['jquery'],
      exports: 'jQuery.fn.slick',


It looks more complicated than what it actually is.

3) Add the dependency within main.js:

function($) {

  // ...

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