Magento 2.1 – How to Add Link in Success Message


I want to add link in cart added message

Make shopping Cart as link

In checkout cart add controller i am changing message like this

$message = __(
                    'You added %1 to your <a href ="..">shopping cart</a>.',

but its getting text when i look in console its come from knockout js and they are getting html "html: message.text" of message but its getting like text

How can i change it

Best Answer

HTML is not allowed by default in flash messages and it's escaped. To change this you can use addSuccess() method instead of addSuccessMessage() to create message.

It can be done by creating plugin forMagento\Checkout\Controller\Cart\Add controller. I would avoid overwriting whole execute() method only for this small change and rather use the following:

public function afterExecute()
    $lastAddedMessage = $this->messageManager->getMessages()->getLastAddedMessage();
    if ($lastAddedMessage && $lastAddedMessage->getType() == MessageInterface::TYPE_SUCCESS) {
        $text = $lastAddedMessage->getText();

         * @var \Magento\Framework\Message\Collection
        $messages = $this->messageManager->getMessages();

        $cartUrl = $this->_objectManager->get('Magento\Checkout\Helper\Cart')->getCartUrl();
        $this->messageManager->addSuccess($text . '<a href="'.$cartUrl.'">View cart</a>');

    return $this->goBack();