Magento 1 – How to Add Multiple Flat Rate Shipping


I am not sure if I need table rates here, but what I need to establish is 3 shipping costs per order, to UK only…


  • £2.95 (3-5 days)
  • £4.95 (1-3 days)
  • Order over £50, free delivery

I have got in the free delivery and a flat rate at £2.95, but how can I add a second flat rate? Do I need to do it as a table rate or something?? I am sure this might help many people, with simple shop setups like mine.

Best Answer

In the case where you want to have the customer choose from multiple options, I recommend using one of WebShopApps matrix plugins. Here's a good one:

Otherwise, to get an automatic calculation based on value, use table rates to achieve what you're looking for - to get an example of a table rates CSV:

enter image description here

For the £50 free delivery option, use free shipping shopping cart price rules.


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