Magento – How to add product selection grid in admin form


I'm creating a Magento module in which there is a section with a form for placing new purchase orders. In this form I would like to add a grid containing products from the database, just like the 'Please Select Products to Add' in the new order section of Magento (see image). Place new order product selection

This product selection grid should be added in my personal form on the same page as the other fieldsets. The product selection should be at the red arrow and the selected products need te be added to the section with the blue arrow (see image below).Add new purchase order form

The question now is where (and partially how) do I create this grid and add it to my form, and add the selected products to a section of the same form?

Best Answer

I recently build a module in which i could generate some pdf quotation also by selecting customers and products. I came across the following documentation which might be usefull to you. This uses magento product selector widget to add lines to you own module. I think its what your looking for. I haven't tested it yet but i am adding it to my module. Maybe it can be your solution. Let me know how it works if youre going to try it.