How to Add Product Using REST API in Magento 1.9


How to add product using REST api.

Getting below error –

Invalid auth/bad request (got a 500, expected HTTP/1.1 20X or a redirect)  
Service temporary unavailable

I tried,

 $oauthClient->fetch($resourceUrl, array(), 'GET', array('Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Accept' => 'application/json'));

For above error Solution

In admin,

 System -> Permissions -> Users -> Rest Role -> Select Admin.

Best Answer

Step to Add Product Using REST Api

Step-1: Admin Configuration

  1. Create user Role Go to system >Web services >REST - Roles: Click on Add Admin Role and create an Admin Role for REST. Role info: Provide the role name example 'Admin'

Resource Access: Set :All Role Users: Select and admin user to whom you wish to provide Admin REST role

  1. Go to system >Web services >REST Attributes: Select Admin

Set: Resource Access as "All"

  1. Go to system >Web services >OAUTH Consumers:

Click on 'Add New' button, it will create a new Oauth consumer, note down the Consumer Key and Consumer secret.

Step-2 : script for create new product via REST API

create test_api.php file at your host example: location: http://yourdomain/test_api.php you have to post below fields in json encode format

$productData = json_encode(array(
            'type_id'           => 'simple',
            'attribute_set_id'  => 4,
            'sku'               => 'simple' . uniqid(),
            'weight'            => 1,
            'status'            => 1,
            'visibility'        => 4,
            'name'              => 'Simple Product',
            'description'       => 'Simple Description',
            'short_description' => 'Simple Short Description',
            'price'             => 99.95,
            'tax_class_id'      => 0,

see code sample at URL: