Magento 2 – How to Add Tracking Number to Order Shipment


I did find sample codes for Magento 1.x. But I have no idea how to do this on Magento 2.

Can anyone describe how to implement this using Dependency Injection (DI)?


$trackingDetail = array(
    'carrier_code' => 'ups',
    'title' => 'United Parcel Service',
    'number' => 'TORD23254WERZXd3', // Replace with your tracking number

$track = Mage::getModel('sales/order_shipment_track')->addData($trackingDetail);

$transactionSave = Mage::getModel('core/resource_transaction')

Best Answer

AFAIK the track object is the same in M2.

However, the rest of the code has changed.

$data = array(
    'carrier_code' => 'ups',
    'title' => 'United Parcel Service',
    'number' => 'TORD23254WERZXd3', // Replace with your tracking number

$track = $this->trackFactory->create()->addData($data);

Where $this->trackFactory an instance of Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Shipment\TrackFactory and $shipment is your shipment object.

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