Magento 1.7 – How to Apply Catalog Price Rules by Observer


i need to create price rule by programmatically with help of Observer

and i want to know that which event call for this

Best Answer

you can do this by event checkout_cart_product_add_after:

You need create config.xml for like below:


And Observer.php code of create catalog price:

public function updatePrice( Varien_Event_Observer $obs ) 
    $quote = $obs->getEvent()->getQuote();
        $item = $obs->getQuoteItem();

    $name = "My Catalog Price Rule"; // name of Catalog Price Rule
    $websiteId = 1;
    $customerGroupId = 2;
    $actionType = 'to_fixed'; // discount to fixed amount
    //(other options are: by_fixed, by_percent, to_percent)
    $discount = 20; // discount amount
    $sku = $_product->getSku(); // product sku

    $catalogPriceRule = Mage::getModel('catalogrule/rule');
    $skuCondition = Mage::getModel('catalogrule/rule_condition_product')
    try {   
    } catch (Exception $e) {
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