Magento 2 – How to Call Helper Method in .phtml File


Trying to develop something in magento 2. But, I didn't find how to call a Helper method in template(.phtml) file.

I want a replacement of below code:


If anyone knows please help me.

Best Answer

You should not use helper calls directly in the template.
Have your helper instance provided as a dependency to the block that renders the template and create a method in your block that calls the helper and call that method in the template.

Have your block defined like this

protected $helperData;
public function __construct(
    \{Vendor}\{Module}\Helper\Data $helperData,
) {
    $this->helperData = $helperData;

public function doSomething()
    return $this->helperData->doSomething();

Then you can call in your template $block->doSomething()

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