Magento – How to call module block after header


I have a module layout file like below

    <block name="ampromo_notification" type="ampromo/notification" template="amasty/ampromo/notification.phtml" before="-" />
    <reference name="content">
        <action ifconfig="ampromo/messages/display_notification" method="append"><block>ampromo_notification</block></action>

This file shows the content of template file at top of content area at frontend.

I want to show this file content just after header block ends.

So how can I move this block to after header?

I have tried this as well in 2columns-left.phtml, but didn't work

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('ampromo_notification'); ?> 

Currently, layout file and template files exist in base>default folder, while I am using theme folder. So can it be a problem ?

Best Answer


<block name="ampromo_notification" type="ampromo/notification" template="amasty/ampromo/notification.phtml" before="-" />

with this

<block name="ampromo_notification" type="ampromo/notification" template="amasty/ampromo/notification.phtml" after="header" />