Magento – How to cancel remaining products on a partially invoiced order


I have an order containing five product lines (A, B, C, D, E)
C, D and E have been shipped and invoices.
The customer now decides he no longer desires A, B and I need to cancel them out, returning the reserved stock.

But if I "edit" the order, I have no products left and it does not want to save.
if I "void" the order, it tries to void the payment (do not want)
If I "cancel" the order it also tries to void the payment.

What is the proper method of cancelling and returning to stock the two remaining lines on this order?

Best Answer

It is a very specific case and Magento does not have a good way to do this.

The best I've found, without development, is to create a Virtual Product named "Order Edition", free and not visible.

When you have to remove the non-invoiced/shipped items, you edit the original order and remove all the items remaining. Then you add this product and save. Then you invoice (to complete) or cancel your new order.

Not a very clean way to do that, but a good workaround.

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