Magento – How to capture multiple invoices per order


according to the documentation:

Multiple Invoices can be created per Order, containing as much or little of the purchased item quantity as you desire.

How do I do this? When I select ‘Invoice’ from a sales order, I have no options to change the quantities of items to invoice, and I can only invoice all of the items in the order.

Any help appreciated. We’re on EE 1.12.

Best Answer

The input to change the qty appears only if the payment method used for the order can be captured partially or cannot be captured at all. See this method in Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Invoice_Create_Items

public function canEditQty()
    if ($this->getInvoice()->getOrder()->getPayment()->canCapture()) {
        return $this->getInvoice()->getOrder()->getPayment()->canCapturePartial();
    return true;

The fact that the order can be captured is decided by these members in each payment model:

protected $_canCapture
protected $_canCapturePartial

or if the payment model overrides the methods canCapture and canCapturePartial

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