Magento – How to change City field to a dropdown in Checkout step Magento 2


I tried multiple solutions found in here, but none seem to fit, the closest one was this one Magento 2 : How to change UI field(s) dynamically, here is my implementation of it:


'mage/validation'], function ($, wrapper, validation) {
'use strict';
$(document).ready(function () {
    $(document).on('change', '[name="country_id"]', function() {
       //for country
       var region = $('select[name="region_id"]');
       changeCity(this, region);

    $(document).on('change', '[name="region_id"]', function() {
       //for province or region
       var country = $('select[name="country_id"]');
       changeCity(country, this);
function changeCity(country, region) {
    console.log("change city");
    var cityObject = $('[name="city"]');
    if ($(country).val() == 'CO') {
        //send request with country and region and recieve json object
        var response = '[{"name": "Medellin", "code": "50011100"},{"name": "Cali", "code": "50011122"},{"name": "Bogota", "code": "50011133"}]';
        var cities = JSON.parse(response);
        if ('input')) {
                var select = $("<select>", {
                    html: $(this).html()
                $.each(this.attributes, function(i, attribute){
                    select.attr(, attribute.value);
              return select;
        } else {

        if(cities != 'undefined' && cities.length > 0 ) {
            for( var i = 0; i < cities.length; i++ ) {
                cityObject.append("<option value="+cities[i].code+">"+cities[i]. name+"</option>");
    } else {
        if ('select')) {
                var select = $("<input>", {
                    html: $(this).html()
                $.each(this.attributes, function(i, attribute){
                    select.attr(, attribute.value);
              return select;

return function (setShippingInformationAction) {
    return wrapper.wrap(setShippingInformationAction, function (originalAction) {

        return originalAction();


var config = {
    config: {
        mixins: {
            'Magento_Checkout/js/action/set-shipping-information': {
                'Tcc_Shipping/js/set-city-mixin': true

The result is what I expected to be, but the validation for that field stops working:
Validation error

Any working alternative would be appreciated too, since what I need is to have a city dropdown with custom codes as values for them.

Best Answer

You can use this module, very useful

i just had to change this view/frontend/web/js/form/element/city.js

line 38

romania = obj.RO,

for this obj.CO just that or if you want to put it dynamically

const countryCode = jQuery("select[name='country_id']").val();
romania = (obj[countryCode] !== undefined)? obj[countryCode] : obj.CO