Magento 2 – How to Change Color of Cart Icon in Minicart


I am trying to change color of cart icon in header/minicart , as currently it's in grey shade

enter image description here

I tried changing via adding following css in my custom.css at \web\css\custom.css

.minicart-wrapper .action.showcart::before{

but some how it's not working

Best Answer

Adding your custom CSS/LESS or updating existing CSS/LESS use _extend.less .

This will load first so there will no issue of css order and you will not require using important

Create this at below location


Place all your custom CSS and LESS in _extend.less . It's better to use LESS , so you can use variables or mixins for better management.

Run below commands after placing your CSS/LESS

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Keep your cache disabled.