Magento2 Product List – How to Change Listing Per Page Option


I am trying to change per page option in magento 2 on product listing page

  • Currently its 9, 15, 30 by default in toolbar

  • I want to change it to 12, 24, 48, 96 etc

Any help will be appreciated

Best Answer

Go to admin Store > Configuration > Catalog > Storefront

Now there are two things

  • Products per Page on Grid Allowed Values

    Enter your desired no here with comma like 12,24,48,96

  • Products per Page on Grid Default Value

    Value you enter here must be defined in Allowed Values.

    like you can enter from these values only 12,24,48,96.

See how it looks after changing

enter image description here

Clear your cache and it should work smoothly

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