How to Change Order Status Using API in Magento 2.3.5

magento2.3.5-p1moduleorder-statusrest apisoap-api-v1

I want to develop new module for changing order status using Api in magento 2.3.5 so can anyone have idea then please share with me. I want to create order status and change it using Api.

Best Answer

I am using Integromat for automatic change order status. But if I do this API call than I recieve 400: Request method is invalid. I tried to use different methods like PATCH, PUT and still get 400.

My connection is functional, beacause other actions like Find orders is functional. But dont know why this api calls doesnt work(any custom API calls).

URL: /rest//V1/orders/

Header: Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer auth.token


    "entity": {
        "entity_id": xxxxx,
        "state": "processing",
        "status": "prijata_platba"

Could you help me with this? Thank you

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