Magento – How to change product URL and redirect


Here's the situation I need to redirect one of my product to homepage make it as homepage at the same time the URL must be changed to home, so instead of it should be take note that I am accessing this link

I am also confused if I'm going to use the rewritten URL.

What would be the best approach?

Best Answer

You can just use the rewrite where request path is sample-product and the target path is ../. Anyone visiting the URL will end up at The default homepage will also need to be set to your product.

  1. Navigate to Marketing -> SEO & Search -> URL Rewrites

Find the Magento path of the Product URL by looking within the Rewrite table. I typed in URL of product you want to be your homepage in target path and found request path for that particular product.

e.g. catalog/product/view/id/1

Make a note of this URL.

  1. Navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> General -> Web -> Default Pages

Set the Default Web URL to your product e.g. catalog/product/view/id/1

Accessing will now show your product.

  1. Navigate to Marketing -> SEO & Search -> URL Rewrites -> Add URL Rewrite

a. Set Request Path: sample-product

b. Set Target Path: ../

c. Set Redirect Type: Permanent

This sets your product URL so that it will be redirected to the homepage also.