Magento – How to change the base link url in magento


have changed the Base Link Url(base link url) ( not the base url) . Now my site is not accessible except for the home page. How to solve this ? . This option is not visible in core_config_data table too.

I am using magento 1.9

I changed it

system -> web -> unsecured -> base link url .

Now I am not able to access anything in my site. as am getting two index.php in the url.

Best Answer

You need to have access to your database (command line or phpmyadmin)

Select * from core_config_data where value like 'http%';

You will be able to find your urls. Make note of your config_id's

You can now up date the URLs you need

Update core_config_data set value = '' where config_id in (list your id's here);


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