Magento 2 – How to Change Locale Code for Theme


I have a theme that will output all the static file to

pub\static\frontend\VendorName\thmemeName\fr_FR, but now i want to change it to pub\static\frontend\VendorName\thmemeName\en_US, What are the things i have to set ?

Best Answer

Set Locale from Admin >> Store >> Configuration >> General >> General >> Locale Option >> Locale >> English //Here you have to select only one English locale

Static files are generate based on above locale setting, if multiple locale set then it will generate multiple static files as per locale

Set above configuration and run below command, It will generate only pub\static\frontend\VendorName\thmemeName\en_US

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
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